Friday, February 26, 2010

The Countdown!

The boys and I leave on Monday for Texas. I am really psyched, even if people think I am nuts going on a road trip by myself with 3 small kids. Just preparing myself for lots of bathroom stops and some hard but quick times of burning energy.

We had some beautiful weather today.
Just warm enough that I put JB outside on a blanket.

He enjoyed it but I think will be like his momma and can't tolerate much of the bright sun. JB is up on all fours and has the backwards scoot down pretty good. He is sitting up unassisted too, at least for a few seconds. No teeth yet.

J had a blast getting on the bikes. He finally has the coordination down to actually move the bike forward on his own. He also found some tools and enjoyed working on his bike. (I think his own tool box is just perfect for his 3rd b-day coming up.)

J has also started spending 15-20 minutes hovered over a puzzle, trying his best to match up the pieces. I am sure it won't be long before he is putting the whole thing together by himself. J also has a great game he likes to play outside. After watching so many wrecks in the Olympics, he will ride his scooter around and then fall off and lay on the ground. I am just waiting for a car to stop and check it out. B then yells, "He is down...". J jumps up laughing and takes off again.

B is signed up for t-ball, which should start early April with practices. Looking forward to getting outside with him in Texas and throwing the ball around. He is proving to be pretty competitive but not necessarily cut throat, so will be fun to see how it goes. Here he is on his big wheel, which hard to believe he is outgrowing. I can remember when he could not reach the pedals.

Another tie shot. B continues to wear the same tie for about 5 weeks now. J is a little more adventurous though.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I have been spending most evenings on the couch watching the Olympics, instead of in the office on the computer - sorry. Have really enjoyed the games - go USA. I have also been working on some projects while my mom is here visiting. She gets great time with the boys and I get great uninterrupted time!
JB has been sleeping better. Seems that he was just hungry and mom was not feeding him enough. At times he will eat 3-4 bowls of food. He is so cute, he just sits in his chair with his mouth hanging open, like a little bird, until you fill it. He now connects sitting in his chair with eating and is learning the word bottle. When he runs out of cereal, he is becoming quite vocal when he wants more.
Most of the household has had a cough this past week but appears to have moved through pretty quickly.
Just not much happening, have not even been taking many pictures.
Off to bed.
(Oh, not real sure why the video on the 13th sometimes is unavailable. Most times when I click on it, it is not available, but I also know some have seen it.)

Saturday, February 13, 2010


B loves entertaining JB. We put JB in his swing and then B pushes him and then says 'hey, you kicked me' and JB just cracks up!!! Check it out.

We are still awaiting for the first tooth to appear and he is still my baldest baby. For some reason he has been waking up once a night in pain. I guess the digestive tract is still trying to work things out. This evening he was sound asleep and then let out a horrible scream. I went up there and he could not be consoled. He was screaming and grunting. I had a fleeting thought that he sounded like a woman in labor. I held him close, he settled down, let out a very small burp and then went back to sleep.
J has also been waking up in the middle of the night. Always looking for water and then begging to get in to bed with us. I love it when the boys climb into bed with us, but when J does, I get no sleep. That kid is all over the bed!
Up north it is the habit not to wear shoes in the house (particularly in the winter). The boys don't like to wear socks either because then they can't run around on the wood floors or they take nasty spills. Well, they have discovered their toes and all the things they can pick up. Not the most sanitary thing, given we have a little one that is starting to move around. I am constantly finding them picking up JB's toys with their toys..the same toys he puts in his mouth. The other day the boys were eating pretzels and the boys thought it was so cool that they could put pretzels between their toys! Gross. Then I started thinking about all the times I just pick something up all the floor - you know the 5 second rule - and then eat it. Not much different I guess. So, I have not yet purchased one of those anti-bac mops, but I think it is time. JB is already doing the swimming thing (on his belly with feet and arms off the floor) and I imagine just a few more weeks until he gets his knees up underneath him.
The boys and I are getting ready for a road trip to Texas in 2 weeks. Yes, I am actually excited about hitting the road with them. We have lots of fun in the car, unless they repeated ask 'are we there yet'. Although not real sure how to 'run' JB during our pit stops. If he is just barely crawling, I can't really let him out to crawl all over the concrete or grassy areas, where dogs run.
Have enjoyed watching the Olympics. B is old enough to really be getting into it and J just follows suit, yelling and cheering.
Ramblins are over. Off to bed

Sunday, February 7, 2010

6 months and ties and bandanas


Look what I can do....

This is the attire for this Sunday. Not sure where the bandanas on the legs came from but I don't think we can get many more colors or patterns. Notice J's shoes, there are no shoelaces. He loves to take them out and then they can never be found!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Guess What?

B is becoming quite the story teller. The bad part...he always interjects "Guess What?" and won't continue until you say what.
"Hey Mom, Guess What?
"Today at school Bryston brought this toy and guess what? Guess What?"
"It was a toy that he got for his birthday and guess what?....Mom, guess what?"
"It shoots these really cool bullets and guess what?"
"They stuck on the glass at school and he could not get them down and guess what?"
So the conversation continues on and on. I don't know if he needs the validation that I am listening or what but it cracks me up. Sometimes downright frustrating though that he can't tell a simple 30 second story without taking 3 minutes.

J on the other hand...he is repeating the most hilarious phrases he hears from big brother.
The other day I was pulling out his 3 year old clothes. He had never seen all of them so as I held up the Diego shirt, Lightning McQueen shirt, Buzz Lightyear jacket, football shirt, etc. he would say "You gotta be kidding me. That is for me? Really? Are you serious, those are really mine? That is amazing and unbelievable."

Then there is JB just learning all the different inflections that his little voice can make. That sweet cooing as he lays in bed and plays with toys until he falls asleep. The hilarious whining noise he makes when he sees his bottle across the room and you can't get it to him fast enough. The whimper and sound of feet kicking his high chair as we wants you to quickly put another spoonful of food in his mouth. I wonder what his first word will be...

Both B and J are also into the randomly saying "I Love you Mom", which makes everything else all worth it.