Monday, September 16, 2024

 It is all things football the last 10 days.

Both boys have had two games.  Varsity won one of them 3-2!  Could have been 10-2 but a 70 yd run by Jacob got called back.  That game the team set a school record with 5 interceptions.  At that game, (as you will see in pictures) some of the students wrote J A C O B on their chests!)  A great defensive game.  In Jacob's 2nd game, he had a huge (legal) hit that sent a kid flying a few feet.  Fortunately he got up.  (Pretty sure he should have been on concussion list but they put him back in later.)

Joseph and Froshmore team won their second game 38-0.  Quite the shutout and how nice it was to be on the winning side.  Joseph has been in for most offensive plays!!  Beautiful weather both weekends!

Just a few pictures.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Busy weekend here!

Bow season opens tomorrow and Jacob is ready to go!!  He has tags for

It is all things football in this household.  Last week we had our first game.  All three teams lost but they all got on the scoreboard - which is an improvement.  Varsity was down 33-0 at half and lost 40-7, which means both teams played an even game the second half.  Tonight is the first home opener so lots of excitement.

The football coach is a hustler.  A T-Mobile rep reached out to him about a Friday Night Lights 5G contest they were hosting.  They invited our school to participate.  From what I understand there were 300 schools and it all came down to social media.  How many times the contest was shared on social media.  Our school won.  We won $5,000 a week for 4 weeks!!!  Now the contest progresses to step 2 and that winner received $25,000.  Then there is a final phase and that prize is a stadium remodel!!  We are one of the few, if not only, 2A school that does not have turf.  We could really use a remodel!  The further you go the less schools that are participating, so...who knows.

At the froshmore (freshman/sophomore) game on Saturday, the coach got heated.  He was in a chair near the goal line just watching - letting the froshmore coaches do their thing.  When he got up and starting yelling at someone on the sidelines to get their stuff and go don't talk back to a coach...go on, get out of here.....there needs to be some discipline at this school.... Turns out it was one of the student managers.  I felt sorry for the kid for all of it to happen in front of the parents, but the coach made a huge statement!!  Not only to other players, but that he has the back of the coaches.

Joseph enjoyed his first game.  He is offensive and defensive line.  I think he likes defense better cause the only objective is to get the don't have to think about specific plays and how you need to line up to protect your quarterback.  Jacob scored the only touchdown in the varsity game.  He wears a monitor on his shirt and it said his top speed was 20 mph.  He averaged 6.6 yards a carry.

JR is almost done with his huge project!  Hopefully this next week.  He went on a 2 night back pack trip with some men from church and is going on one overnight this weekend.  

Pictures below
#3 - that's my boy - he is a captain this year

Players dress up for game gays (Joseph was in a mood and chose not to)

Dot's Pretzels, finally came up with the perfect combination!  Love these and love the story that the lady who started them years ago was from a small town outside of Minot and she recently sold to one of the big brands (Nabisco?) for 1 billion!!

Did you hear about the armless US archer that just won gold at the Para Olympics??  Crazy determination!!!

Parents were able to decorate kids lockers at the school.  In years past, my boys didn't seem to care but this year I got to decorate!!  (Joseph didn't want his decorated)

Bree absolutely loves hanging outside in the sun at work!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 First day of school!!  A freshman and a senior!  Jacob is in full swing and loving the Big Man on Campus thing!  Joseph is pretty nervous, but I would be too.  Thankfully, we only have 1 middle school so he should recognize most kids on the campus.

Friday is the first football game...I think the whole state of Montana has eyes on us and our new coach.

I have reworked my work schedule a bit and going in later a few mornings a week.  I offered this to Ben his senior year but he never took me up on it, so will see if Jacob will.  I told him I will take him out to lunch/dinner once a week  - lets try some new restaurants and food.  At the high school they have a honors study hall where kids can have an off period.  Jacob did not quite meet the requirements but since admin loves him, they gave it to him.  So every other school day he has 4th period off, so has a break from 10-1.  Will be interesting to see how he fills that time.

A few pictures.  Seniors have the option to claim a parking spot and paint it.  Check out Jacob's.  First day of school pictures.  Notice the photo Jacob is holding.  So thankful that the school district allows Kindergarteners to walk in the parade and give them all shirts!  Looking forward to getting a picture of both boys in their uniform together - #3 and #65!!  Last two pictures are the annual ribbon fry booth our church does and my bookends help!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

 Football 2 a days start tomorrow!!  It means summer is basically over for the boys!

The last several mornings I have gotten up and put on a light jacket as I leave for work.   Wearing jeans and flip flops is my favorite time of the year.

Jacob is quickly stacking cash and hoping to buy a truck by the end of the year.  He has been looking online and is shocked at how much cheaper trucks are in other parts of the country!

We celebrated Joseph's 15th birthday last week!  Hard to believe.  He can now go to the gym by himself and is loving that freedom.  We continue to practice his driving.  He does really well.  I keep telling him if I yell at him, its not because I am mad....just concerned for the moment.

JR is trying to get his big staining project finished at work.  He has his sights on several back packing trips.  One is local and the other is Wind River Range.  Perfect time of year to go, with the summer crowds gone.

Benjamin makes an appearance once or twice a week.  He has been showing up more in the evenings and grabbing food - love it.

Work continues along for me.  We are moving into a season of huge swings and construction cleans.  I have a new appreciation of trying to schedule hard when you need 3 one day and 8 the next.

With football games looming, the big unknown is if Joseph will play on the freshman team or the JV.  My guess is he will get more playing time on the freshman team but suit up for JV.  What that means for me....JV and Varsity play Friday nights and Freshman play Saturday mornings and if JV/Varsity are home, Freshman is away and vice versa.  So, that possibly means football from 3pm-9:30 on Friday nights and Saturdays 9-11:30 (with a 2-3 hour drive between the games)  Lots of bleacher time!  As long as it isn't super cold, I am good.

Not much else happening!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Can't believe it is almost August and we have been in the 90s most of the last week.  We have never had AC but we always seem to get through it - the cooler nights help - not to mention blinds and effectively using fans.

Ten days ago Jacob, Ben and I went to Ohio for my niece's wedding....always a good time and I love watching my boys interact with their cousins they don't see very often.  Catching up with family is always a highlight!!!!

Joseph stayed behind because of driver's ed.  He is now a permit carrying kid and working on his 50 hours of drive time.  His driver's ed teacher compliments him all the time about what a great driver he is.  I would have to agree!!

JR is super busy with a big project at work but hopefully it will wrap up in next 2-3 weeks!

My work has been crazy busy with some very high end clients and staffing issues.  Seems like the work force these days is a moving target and finding people who want to work.

Some random pictures!  A river outing, Joseph driving, picture from wedding, boys shooting hoops (I love watching them interact) and another one of Jacob's welding projects.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

 Summer is in full swing here!  We have had wild Montana weather.  A week ago we had snow and now we are in the 90s.

Joseph is staying busy with work 6am and 4pm football workouts and will soon add driver's ed class time and driving time to that list.  Joseph had his 8th grade promotion so it is off to high school!!

Jacob is busy with football too, landscaping, fishing, hunting and all things friends.  Jacob's allergies have been the worst yet this year - to where he had to sit out part of football practice since he couldn't breath.  I bought him one of those nasal suction machines and  either his allergies haven't been bad the last two days or the machine is working.

We are all anxiously awaiting the football season, so much hype with the new coach, etc.  Joseph has really gotten into football and even volunteering during practice to go up against some of the bigger seniors.  Really fun to see the two of them connect with something.

Ben has been making more appearances around the house, so feels like we see him 1-2 times a week.  He is still doing excavation/ditch work and has that secured until end of October.  Then the work changes to diesel mechanics for the winter and that is nothing that interests him.

Things are rolling along for me at work.  Getting busy and somehow we are able to balance the workload with the staff we have.  JR has lots of summertime projects at work and gearing up for the fall hunting season.

Jacob, Ben and I will be heading to Ohio in a few weeks for my niece's wedding. (Because of driver's ed, Joseph is staying behind with JR)

Random pictures - love seeing progress pictures of Joseph, one of him at work and then his 8th grade promotion.  My football boys, Jose's big summer work project and one of Jacob on a college visit.

Monday, May 20, 2024

 Some pictures of one of my favorite anglers!!


Jacob has been out of town this weekend, bear hunting and doing vinyls (billboards).  He has visited 3 college campuses/football programs.  I think it has been a great experience for him and probably more visits to make, but pretty sure he has his eye set on other things after graduation (next June 2025).  It is almost time to set up his senior picture appointment!!!

Sunday May 19th, this happened around 2:30pm...sleet

By 5:30 that same day, this is what we were doing.  It was a nice 3 par course, so just took us 1.5 hours to play.  I chose to just watch!

Celebrated this girls 9th birthday recently!  Bree and I have been going on walks most days before/after work.  Often she will struggle to get up off the floor.  Not sure if something is wrong or if she is just sore.  I do know she is very very fluffy, so I have started her on a raw food diet.  As long as I can stay on top of prepping food, it should make a difference!

Mother's Day lunch (crazy to me how much Joseph favors Ben, mannerisms, voice inflection, etc)

Shout out to my niece Kendall, Scott's oldest.  She just graduated from UT Law school!  She rocked it and we finally have a lawyer, hopefully attorney in October when she passes the bar)

There recently was a huge geomagnetic storm and the northern lights were out in full force.  They are absolutely amazing, but pictures like this only come through with a never see these kind of colors with the naked eye - although I was able to see a very faint red/pink

This kiddo has put his 'high school' pads on about 3 times in 24 hours.  He is stoked to play football this fall.  We also just found out he is in the summer driver's ed class!  Looks like he will have his full on license early 2025.  Crazy.  He also just passed $4k in his savings account...all from working 10-15 hours a week.  I anticipate the kid will graduate high school with 15-20 k in the bank!!!

Sunday, May 5, 2024


We got back yesterday from Kauai.  It was a great week!  Not too jam packed but busy enough that there wasn't a lot of down time.  The condo we stayed at over looked the ocean.  I enjoyed every morning getting up and watching the sunrise on the balcony in my robe with my hot tea.  As soon as the sun comes up, it gets pretty warm.  We attended a luau and went on a kayak/hike tour.  We were able to travel the whole island.  They had some flash flooding several weeks prior (14 inches in 4 hours) so the trails were pretty muddy.  We stayed at Pono Kai resort in Kapaa - a great location. We ate out several times and through our friends, hung out with some locals and attended a Hawaiian church.  Did some shopping.  Ate some great shaved ice and went to a large farmer's market.  

Boys did well (and had no incidents that I am aware of) while we were gone.

Random facts about the trip......

There are only 13 letters in Hawaiian alphabet - that's why the words look so weird

I enjoyed the Mustang convertible as much as I expected, but boy, it is like a low rider and not very comfortable seats for longer distances

Chicken, chickens everywhere

Po'ipu Beach has amazing sand

Because of cost of living there, there are lots of homeless....vans filled to the top

The Hawaiian's are very hospitable giving people

Anini Beach has amazing shade and plenty of room to spread out

Gas was $5.25 a gallon, versus about 3.70 here

Lots of traffic on the island, way more than I expected

Turtles at Poipu Beach are something.  Every sunset, turtles come up on shore, anywhere from 2-122 to rest for the night.  When we were there only 10 were there.  Monk seals can be seen too

April isn't best time of year to surf but great because it is just after the rain but before all summer tourists

Salt Pond Beach is beautiful and lifeguards will get on their microphone if you get on the lava rocks (I know from personal experience)

Jose and I are not meant to be in a double kayak together

Next island trip, take reusable bags because there are no plastic grocery bags on the island

I like wearing sun hats

Snorkeling and I still don't mesh well - could never relax in the water

There is a missile facility on the south part of the island

Gooseberries, before they are ripe, are not very good

Lots of traffic with very few roads

Photo dump -